The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) for the Institute for European Intelligence and Security.

Inspectorate Inquiries

Upon receipt of a complaint an Inspector-General is appointed by the Chair of the Institute to lead the Inspectorate investigating the issue. After the appointment of an Inspector-General the Institute may not be involved with the work of the Inspectorate. The Office of the Inspector General is free to investigate the issue overtly or covertly in in order to present a complete report to the public. Information may only be withheld in the event that disclosure is considered (by the Inspector-General) to result in harm to individuals or national/regional interests. Even then, only the relevant parts of the body of a report may be sanitised, the findings of a report must always be revealed in full.

In the event that such sanitisation is prejudicial to the outcome or presents misleading findings, the Inspector-General must state in his conclusions "The investigation found sufficient evidence to support/dismiss charges of professional (and/or criminal) incompetence/malpractice." together with an explanation as to why further evidence could not be provided.

The Institute, its officers, registrants and any other accredited organisations or personnel are obliged to co-operate with an investigation and may face disciplinary action if they fail to do so. In severe cases of criminal incompetence and misconduct, the Inspector-General may permanently strike accredited organisations or individuals from the register and turn them over for criminal prosecution.

The Inspector-General is the only official with the power to dismiss the Chair of the Institute.


Currently, there aren't any publications presented here, because:

  • Since its inception, the Inspectorate has only been called upon to present annual reports to the Central Committee of the Institute.
  • No internal or external complaint has ever been raised against a member of the central committee.
  • Minor disciplinary cases are dealt with by the Institute and do not require the involvement of the Inspectorate. Therefore, no lay member of the Institute has ever been suspected or reported for serious wrongdoing.
  • The Inspectorate has never been called upon to investigate issues of wrongdoing in unregulated third parties.
  • No Institute decision has ever needed a final line in appeal.